The fastest growing age group is adults over age 85.


Drugs, suicide, and depression are major problems for adults over age 65.


Many people in the 50+ age group need help dealing with rolereversals and tough choices as their parents become frail and dependent.


Answers: They're all true. Today most mature adults have at least one living parent.

Implications: As more Americans pass

the 80-year mark, counselors and other mental health professionals can help ease the stress this puts on relationships between aging parents and their children. When adults in their 60s and 70s are responsible for their 80-90 year-old parents, all are at-risk for serious psychosocial problems. Guide for Counselors:

In ADULT CHILDREN AND AGING PARENTS, the new upbeat guide from AACD,

Jane Myers, Founding President, Association for Adult Development and Aging, shows you how much more you can do for our rapidly aging population -

How to spot mature adults who need your help

Instruments to help you assess individual problems

Guidelines for decisions on retirement, housing, and other transitions

How to use life review, early recollection, books, and videos as part of your counseling strategy

40 assessment instruments and other resources you should know about

Jane E. Myers is Executive Director, Sigma Phi Omega, National Academic Honor and Professional Society in Gerontology, and the author of numerous articles, book chapters, and training manuals for counselors. She also is Founding President of the Association for Adult Development and Aging, AACD's newest division.

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Demography, Theories and Attitudes on Aging, Helping Responses

II. Critical Issues and Helping Responses Depression, Suicide, Alcohol & Drug Abuse, Organic Brain Syndromes III. Development and Transitions in Middle and Later Life and Helping Responses Psychosocial Concerns, Family

Relationships and Patterns, Later Life Transitions: Losses, Retirement, Grandparenthood

IV. Family Stress Situations and Helping


Caregiving, Institutionalization, Elder Abuse, Death and Dying

V. Counseling and Assessment

Techniques to Expand Your Repertoire, Books and Videos of Special Interest, Building and Maintaining Positive Relationships

Review of 40 Assessment Instruments, 300 References, softcover

You're right this is a growing area of concern.


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